Lorem ipsum gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum. Sofisticur ali quenean.



all currently available treatments in our offices


Our signatured rituals are sophisticated, unseen of anywhere else. That’s the journey soothing for the body and senses, especially recommended for people who need calm. It’s a promise of the perfect combination of subtle care and sweet laziness. Fancy and natural ingredients will make your body wonderfully moisturized, smooth and sensually fragrant. The effect of true respite will complement the composition of appropriately selected techniques of Hawaiian massage and acupressure.


SYMPHONIC RITUAL© is an unusual proposal dedicated only to the Curio Collection by Hilton – Hotel Saski. It was created on the basis of imagination awakened by the beautiful history of this place.

Its holistic dimension can be compared to a gate, after passing through there is a metamorphosis of body and mind, experienced with all the senses. It represents years of my experience working with the human body. The ritual requires from the massage therapist not only a masterful hand, but also a subtle sense of the client’s needs and concern for the final result.

The transformation is initiated by a peeling to smooth the skin of the whole body and introduce physically to the mystery of the ceremony properly selected in individual 4 variants to the emotional condition of the client. An integral part of the treatment is formed by original massage techniques, which will masterfully lead the wanderer along the trail with the dedicated scent of warm oils and the intentional sounds of classical music, towards the soothing therapeutic light, in order to host the new ME at the gate of the journey with the taste of the corresponding tea and keep the restored harmony for a long time.


When you feel burned out – VIVALDI treatment will energize, stimulate and strengthen vitality.

For perpetual restlessness, overstimulation and fatigue, MOZART will bring solace and relaxation, calm and tranquilize the nervous system.

With the SCHUBERT treatment you will restore the joy of life and stabilize your emotions.

And BACH will restore confidence in yourself and your abilities.


DURATION: 80-140 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Curio Collection by Hilton – Saski Hotel


Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of exotic perfumes thanks to our original ritual by PARYSEQ Health & Spa. Inspired by traditional Hammam, the ritual deeply nourishes and regenerates the skin thanks to the whole body peeling with the use of Savon Noir black soap combined with Kessa glove. It gives softness and leaves ithe skin silky to the touch. The heart of the treatment is a dedicated, wonderfully relaxing massage enfold the body with the fragrance of our specially imported Arabian scents in the perfume oil.

The ritual is topped off with a glass of champagne.

Enhanced version: with GLOBAL LIFT facial treatment


DURATION: 80 – 140 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków


Feel like a Goddess. The ceremony will awaken all the senses, providing a sense of well-being, revitalizing and harmonizing the body and soul. It will leave the skin soft and full of youthful radiance. The subtle fragrance of the perfume will wrap the body in a mist, while golden particles will shimmer in any light, giving a subtle illuminating effect.

The ritual will be crowned with a Prosseco glass.

Enhanced version: with AQUATHERM facial treatment


DURATION: 80 – 140 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków


Whisky is a highly respected, dignified liquor, often associated with men’s gatherings. A bit of this liquor served in the right glass makes the evening a chance to relax with a palette of flavors and aromas. We serve this aroma in the form of the only one on the market, a wonderfully relaxing ritual, created for the natural care of active and confident men.

The ritual is crowned with a glass of whisky.

Enhanced version: with SKEYNDOR MEN facial treatment


DURATION: 80-140 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków


Body scrub is a non-invasive deep cleansing treatment being the perfect way to remove dead cells and all impurities from the surface of the body in order to speed up skin regeneration. It allows you to even out the color, restore the skin’s radiance and healthy appearance. Scrub will prepare you for next care treatments and the composition of sensual, natural fragrances will introduce into the ideal mood and relax the body.

Full body peeling with Savon Noir soap and Kessa glove

The proposal of peeing with Moroccan soap based on black olives and Kessa gritty glove cleanses the skin of the whole body and gives it a smooth structure. Performed as an independent procedure, or as a preliminary procedure, especially recommended to prepare the body for a selected massage.


DURATION: 20 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Curio Collection by Hilton – Saski Hotel

Aromatic full body scrub

The unique formula of body peeling consists in the use of appropriate size of organic salt particles, blend of plant oils, essential oils, vitamin E and dried herbs and flowers. It removes dead skin and impurities, the skin is moisturized and nourished. Performed as an independent procedure, or as a preliminary procedure, especially recommended to prepare the body for a selected massage.


DURATION: 20 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Curio Collection by Hilton – Saski Hotel

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