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With our help you will be reborn like a phoenix from the ashes, because we are feeling the mission of freeing you from back pain, tingling in your hands, headache, neck and neck tension, problems related to overloads and injuries, stress, fatigue, and above all thinking, that there is not enough time in your life for yourself.
SPA & WELLNESS world that we offer you satisfies the desires expressed by the modern man affected by haste, provides harmony and balance in a holistic approach, because where the relaxed body, there the mind goes further.
The passion for massage gave birth to our professionalism, professionalism gave high quality services and quality is a luxury in life.


So give it to yourself.

Our Strengths



gained at home and abroad, in the best 5-star hotels



intensively developed at numerous courses, workshops and industry conferences



is consistency, professionalism and fascination for what we do



cooperation and trust of prestigious hotel brands, as: Sheraton and Hilton



our main goal is to search for unique and effective therapies and treatments that guarantee maximum satisfaction and comfort for our clients



which we provide to clients by trying not only to meet their expectations, but also to go beyond them



important for identifying the needs of even the most demanding customers


experience years in branch
gained certificates
clients satisfied
massages and treatments executed

Meet our history

I'm here for you


What customers say


I highly recommend Malwina! High knowledge and experience makes the massage a pure pleasure. In addition, during two treatments she helped me with the problem of the shoulder with which I struggled for 4 months walking to another physiotherapist.

Marcin Skóra

Malwina is unique on a global scale! Her professionalism surpasses only her great skills. A miracle worker for the removal of all pains and injuries. There is no topic that she would not be able to deal with. We highly recommend: me and my grateful muscles.

Mariusz Górczyński

After a 31 hour shift editing video for an event in Krakow, I was suffering badly from muscle cramps in my back, legs, and, oddly, in my throat. I had a massage once before in my life, and did not have high expectations, but I needed to try something to relieve the pain. I thought I needed a light soothing touch, but Malwina applied her professional training and natural instinct and really laid into my muscles. Her technique and experience loosened me up and allowed me to work another long shift- 16 hours - and I scheduled another session with her after that shift. I left Krakow feeling great even though I had pushed my body to its limit. She has a great gift, and I got the sense that it was extremely rewarding for her to relieve my pain and have me leave in much better condition than even when I first arrived in Krakow.

Stephen Ulrich
Video editor

Quick, specifically and reliably. In addition to the treatment, which brings almost immediate relief, you get a set of tips that help in everyday functioning! Dry needling?! Cool! A visit here gives +10 to Strength - one treatment was enough and the result was +10 kg for Dead Lift and +12 kg for High / Low Bar Squat ! I definitely recommend and regularly come back - it's really worth it!

Tomasz Czarny
Medium-distance runner, football and crossfit amateur

I had the opportunity to use Malwina the day before the IPF World Powerlifting Championships, when my trapezius was in significant pain. After one appointment, I was able to compete near-painlessly and have a successful competition. My father and I returned for two more very productive appointments where she helped diagnose and solve several problem areas. Malwina is on a mission to help people perform better both in sport and life and I couldn't recommend her more.

Mehar Bhogal
Powerlifter, Canada

I've never felt more comfortable in living and working until Malwa did not take my vertebrae and tight muscles in her hands. I thought that back pain is normal with my current lifestyle, but as Malwa has massaged me, there is no comparison! She set two vertebrae and I forgot about the pain for a long time. Her hands are magical! Thanks Malvina!

Sara Górniak
Hair stylist

One of the best back massages I've had in my life! Malwina is a really good professional who knows what she is doing at every moment. I went there with a considerable pain in my back and after her massage I was relieved for a few weeks. Totally recommended!

Sergio Garcia Pastrana
NOKIA Poland

Malwina from Massage Mission is one of the better masseuses I’ve seen: she’s able to find the painfull/stuck muscles easily and massages them skillfully. Afterwards I feel completely relaxed with a lot of the muscle tension gone. Several times I’ve requested a massage on quite a short notice, but this was never a problem. Her flexibility is very pleasant. Anyone who appreciates a high quality massage should definitely visit her.

Rufus Lohman

definitely recommend it! Thanks to Malwina I stopped to feel the incessant back pain. Professional approach and nice atmosphere. An Angel woman! There are no better hands in Krakow. Thank you for your help!

Katarzyna Krępa

Malwina is a great professional and a real killer when it comes to treatment. She was of great help when I was suffering from various sport related injuries.

Ophélie De Oliveira
Athlete in ASA Athletic Sport Aixois, France

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