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all currently available treatments in our offices


This is the heart of our offer! A massage zone distinguishes us from other SPAs. It is developed by MPT Malwina Karkula-Parysek thinking about all the people who need specialized help in prevention or ailments resulting from their lifestyle. By using professional knowledge and great possibilities offered by physiotherapy, we have prepared proposals that are a response to the most common needs and desires of our guests. Therapeutic massages proposed by us use elements of manual therapy techniques to free you from back pain, tingling in your hands, headache, tension feeling, problems related to overloads and injuries, stress and fatigue. Give yourself back into the hands of our specialists and rise up like a phoenix from the ashes.


That ‘s multisensonry author’s massage© combining elements of Eastern and Western methods of bodywork, as: deep tissue massage, fascia disfunction release and trigger point therapy with Thai and Shiatsu techniques. Its uniqueness is based on the therapist „listening” to the client’s body and following reactions of muscles and fascia. It is recommended in sharp and chronic pains, e.g. sciatica, discopathy, headaches, after injuries, wrong posture and limited muscle mobility. Healing power goes slowly on surface structures and deep, without much crossing pain boarder to suit client’s individual needs.

RESULTS: removal of large muscle and fascial tensions,recuperation


DURATION: 25 – 85 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Designed to release tight, fatigued muscles and joints, this specialized massage focuses on detailed therapeutic muscle work by using stronger pressure on specific areas and working very attentively, precisely and slowly to the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Includes a pain relief topical treatment to provide the most benefit during and after your massage.

RESULT: removal of large muscle and fascial tensions


DURATION: 25 – 85 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Signature ZEN scalp session - NEW!

Zen is defined as “calm mind.” Passed down through generations, the Eastern practice of good touch in this massage focuses on the upper back, shoulders, neck and head, areas that particularly accumulate tension, problems and stress. Indulge in a powerfully relaxing head massage for headache relief, improved sleep, scalp health, mental clarity, neck and shoulder muscle relaxation and overall well-being. The massage is the perfect ending to many of the massages on offer.

Result– de-stress, restore, calm


DURATION: 30-45 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

Hemp chillout session

A medium-strength massage covering mainly the back, shoulders and neck, which is the most suitable form for people leading fast and busy lives, prone to frequent nervous situations and living under constant high levels of stress. The well-known benefits of the massage treatment, are complemented by the sensational and scientifically proven properties of CBD hemp oil. This oil is especially recommended for people struggling with depression, panic attacks, neuroses or sleep problems.

Result – restore, recovery


DURATION: 55 minut


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton



Prenatal massage is a pleasant therapy, completely safe for mom and baby, which significantly improves the physical and mental state of pregnant women. The slow, smooth movements of the massage relieve many pregnancy discomforts, such as swollen feet and legs, sore shoulders and spine or headaches. Massage also prepares the body for the exertion of childbirth and allows a quick return to form after childbirth.

Resultrelief from pregnancy ailments, feeling of pampering


DURATION: 55 minut


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton


The philosophy of this massage department selection is based on a holistic approach, whose task is excellent therapy for tired and stressed people. Through all the senses: touch, smell, hearing and vision we can restore the balance, alleviate stress and relax deeply. Unique compositions of ethereal fragrances, warmth of nutritional oils, magic of oriental props used, atmosphere of candlelight and virtuosity of a therapist’s hands will bring solace for the soul and the body by taken you on a journey full of unforgettable sensations and restore inner peace.

Orient session - NEW!

A relaxing massage that is a composition of oriental techniques derived from natural Thai practices. It is performed with a series of harmonious movements with elements of passive gymnastics. It relieves muscle tension and stiffness and gently relaxes, wrapping you in the noble scent of amber oriental oils.

Result – de-stress, restore


DURATION: 55 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton


Using relaxing warm cocconut oil and massage techniques, it’s a perfect way to reduce aches and pains associated with long journeys, recapture lost of energy and promote quality of sleep. The treatment reduces muscular and nervous tension and improves circulation, leaving a feeling of tranquility. 90 -minutes version additionally contains head massage.
Result – rest, relaxation


DURATION: 55 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Face, neck and decolette massage

Face massage is combining the advantages of relaxing massage with elements of lymphatic drainage and lifting Kobido techniques. Facial massage plays an important role in anti-aging cosmetics, as done properly and regularly enhances skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles, firms, smoothes and beautifies the skin.

Enhanced version: customized Uniqcure serum ampoule

Result – improve the condition of skin and facial muscles


DURATION: 25 – 45 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Aromatherapy massage

A deeply relaxing treatment, using individually selected aromatherapy oils and a gentle technique to unlock the next level of relaxation. Our essential signature oils are generously applied and absorbed through the skin, circulating their relaxing and therapeutic properties throughout your body. You can choose from our bespoke range of all – natural spa blends. These scents will carry you closer to Nirvana than your feet ever could.

Result – relieve, calm


DURATION: 55 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Sensual warm candle massage

Perfectly relaxes while the warmth and aroma of the Shea butter soothes all your senses, the skin becomes moisturized, silky and smooth to the touch.

Result – nourishing, relaxation


DURATION: 55 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Park Inn by Radisson Kraków


Hot stone massage

This luxurious treatment uses massage and natural deep heat in the form of heated basalt stones to relieve muscle tension and stimulate the body’s own detoxification processes. The embodied heat of the stone relaxes and seeps deep into the muscle tissue to leave you feeling stress-free and uplifted.

Result – deep relaxation, heating


DURATION: 55-80 minut


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton


Foot massage is one of the most enjoyable ways to relax, brings immediate benefits for tense muscles, relaxes, soothes and calms. It also has medicinal properties, because the feet has got special points called reflexes. By working on reflexes foot removes toxins blocking energy channels and we bring the body to its natural state of energy balance.

Foot massage begins with foot bath and peeling.

Result –  improved circulation, a feeling of lightness legs


DURATION: 45 minutes


HERE YOU TAKE A TREATMENT: Sheraton Grand Kraków

HERE YOU CAN TAKE A TREATMENT: Hotel Saski Curio Collection by Hilton

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